Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 3 WebCT Post: Oedipus Complex

So, I was absolutely terrified to bring this up in class (number one
because I'm super shy and number two, I was afraid of the dirty looks),
but Freud's idea that children want to marry their parents is actually
something I experienced when I was a child. When I was about 6 years
old, I looked at my mother and I said, "Mom.. I want to marry Daddy."
And of course her response was, "What? You can't marry your Daddy." (I
don't remember this but my mom has told me this story plenty of times) I
then responded, "Well, I don't think there will ever be someone who is
as good as Daddy." I was six. So there was clearly nothing meant behind
it beside the fact that I really love my Dad. So, 13 years later, I meet
this guy named Kristopher. To me, he is absolute perfection. And
honestly, I can't tell you how many times (in the last three years) I've
compared Kristopher to my dad. I always thought that it was because I
wanted my dad to accept him and to like him. But now this Freud thing
has really crept me out! Now it freaks me out how much they are alike! I
know it's healthy but it was just so weird to actually be able to relate
to this stuff! Now, I never wanted to kill my mom (so that's a good
thing), but when my parents got into arguments, I ALWAYS took my dad's
side. And it just scares me that my life could in fact be an example of
this creepy Oedipus Complex. What do you guys think? Am I complete
freak?! Haha.

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